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Accessibility Statement


Access to the SunSt Real Estate website can pose challenges for individuals with certain disabilities. Disabilities vary from person to person, and what might be effective for one individual might present difficulties for another. At SunSt Real Estate, we are committed to making reasonable accommodations to cater to the diverse needs of our customers and potential customers, taking into consideration our company’s size, resources, and understanding of these needs. To ensure inclusivity, we have enlisted the expertise of professionals to guide and advise us in these matters.


Website Accessibility

Our website offers a range of tools, features, and policies designed to enhance accessibility to our online platform, as well as to the products or services featured or referred to on our website.

Should you encounter challenges while attempting to access our website, even after utilizing the built-in accessibility features and any third-party or browser-assisted tools, we encourage you to reach out to us for further assistance. You’ll find our contact information provided below.


Specific Accessibility Features on This Website

This website integrates a widget called SunSt Access Assist («SunSt Assist»), powered by a third-party accessibility server. SunSt Assist has been designed to enhance accessibility, particularly for specific types of disabilities. The third-party provider of SunSt Assist has indicated their commitment to aligning with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) in their own accessibility statement. You’ll find the SunSt Assist widget positioned in the bottom-left corner of most pages on our website.

Activating the Accessibility Menu

The accessibility menu can be accessed by clicking on the accessibility menu icon, which appears after clicking on the aforementioned SunSt Assist widget. Upon clicking, please allow a moment for the accessibility menu to fully load.



As part of our ongoing efforts and within the scope of our resources, we anticipate making periodic enhancements to different sections of our website, including accessibility improvements. Our overarching objective is to create a seamless, accessible, and user-friendly experience for all our customers and potential customers. Progress toward achieving this goal may be influenced by our awareness of specific challenges users face, available resources, and advancements in technology.

Despite our continuous efforts toward accessibility, it is possible that some content, features, processes, or policies might require further refinement. We genuinely value your input and suggestions in this regard.


We’re Here to Assist You

Should you encounter any challenges while accessing content on our website due to a disability or require assistance with any aspect of our site due to your particular disability, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are committed to offering our support.

If your disability has caused or is likely to cause difficulties when navigating or using any part of our website, kindly email us, providing detailed information about the specific challenges you faced or anticipate encountering. These emails should be directed to: help@wearesunst.com for forwarding to us. Please note that if a third-party website or mail server is used to forward your email to us, that third party does not read or respond to your email; their role is solely to forward it to us without prior review.

Rest assured that your privacy will be safeguarded when reaching out via email. This means that you won’t be required to share any personal details, including but not limited to your: name, address, phone number, specific disability type, preferences for goods or services, or email address (unless you choose to include it in your email to us or our representatives).

At SunSt Real Estate, we are committed to fostering an inclusive online environment and are dedicated to addressing accessibility concerns in a responsive and effective manner.